BBMKU FYUGP English Syllabus 2022- Present Time


Indian Classical Literature

Unit NameRead
Unite 1: Introduction to Classical Indian Literature1. Introduction
2. The Indian Epic Tradition: Themes and Recensions
3. Classical Indian Drama: Theory and Practice
4. Alankara and Rasa
5. Dharma and the Heroic
UNIT 2: The Ramayana Book II Translated by R. C. Dutt1. Summary notes
2. Rama Character sketch
3. Sita Character sketch
4. Laxman Character sketch
UNIT 3: Abhigyan Shakuntalam by Kalidas translated by Arthur W Ryder1. Summary notes
2. Sakuntala Character sketch
3. King Dushyant Character sketch
4. Love theme
UNIT IV: Vyas: Mahabharata (The book of Assembly Hall or Sabha Parva)1. Summary of Sabha Parva
Unit V: Mrichchhakatikam by Sudraka translated by M. R. Kale1. Summary
Unit VI: Cilappatikaran (The Tale of an Anklet) translated by R. Parthasarathy Book 31. Summary

Paper 2: European Classical Literature

1. Homer: Iliad, Book 11. Summary
2. MCQ
2. Sophocles: Oedipus the King Notes
3. Virgil: Aeneid, Book 1Notes
4. Dante: selections from The Divine Comedy: Inferno (Canto 1 & 2)Summary
5. Horace: Satire Epistle 1, Book 1Summary
6. Plautus: The plot of GoldSummary

Paper3: Indian Writing in English

1. R.K. Narayan, Swami and FriendsSummary Notes
2. Amitav Ghosh, Shadow linesSummary Notes
1. H.L.V. Derozio’s ‘Freedom to the Slave’, ‘The Orphan Girl’Summary Notes
2. Kamala Das, ‘Introduction’, ‘My Grandmother’s House’Summary Notes
3. Nissim Ezekiel, ‘Goodbye Party to MIss Pushpa TS’, The Night of the Scorpion’Summary Notes
4. Robin S. Ngangom, ‘The Strange Affair of Robin S. Ngangom’, ‘A Poem for Mother’Summary Notes
5. Eunice de Souza, ‘De Souza Prabhu’Summary Notes
1. Mulk Raj Anand ‘Two Lady Rams’Summary Notes
2. Rohinton Mistry ‘Swimming Lesson’Summary Notes
3. Shashi Deshpande’s ‘The Intrusion’Summary Notes
1. Mahesh Dattani, TaraSummary Notes


Paper 4: British Poetry and Drama: 14th to 17th Century

1. Background Reading:
Renaissance Humanism; The Stage, Court and City; Religious and Political Thought; Ideas of Love and Marriage; The Writer in Society
2. Geoffery Chaucer: The Wife of Bath’s PrologueSummary
3. Edmund Spencer: From Amoretti
(a) Sonnet LXVII ‘Like as a huntsman’
(b) Sonnet LVII ‘Sweet warrior….’
(c) Sonnet LXXV ‘One day I wrote her name’
4. John Done
(a) The Sun Rising
(b) Batter My Heart
(c) Valediction; Forbidding Mourning
5. Christopher Marlowe: Doctor FaustusSummary
6. William Shakespeare: MacbethSummary
7. William Shakespeare: Twelfth NightSummary

Paper 5: British Poetry and Drama: 17th to 18th Centuries

1. Background Readings:
Religious and Secular Thought in the 17thCentury
Changing Images of the Human Being in the Literature of the Period The Stage, the State and the Market
The Mock-epic and Satire Women in the 17thCentury The Comedy of Manners
Detailed Notes
2. John Milton: Paradise Lost: Book 1Summary
3. John Webster: The Duchess of MalfiSummary
4. Aphra Behn: The RoverSummary
5. Alexander Pope: The Rape of the LockSummary


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