BBMKU FYUGP English Syllabus 2022- Present Time
Semester 1
Semester 2
Indian Classical Literature
Unit Name | Read |
Unite 1: Introduction to Classical Indian Literature | 1. Introduction 2. The Indian Epic Tradition: Themes and Recensions 3. Classical Indian Drama: Theory and Practice 4. Alankara and Rasa 5. Dharma and the Heroic |
UNIT 2: The Ramayana Book II Translated by R. C. Dutt | 1. Summary notes 2. Rama Character sketch 3. Sita Character sketch 4. Laxman Character sketch |
UNIT 3: Abhigyan Shakuntalam by Kalidas translated by Arthur W Ryder | 1. Summary notes 2. Sakuntala Character sketch 3. King Dushyant Character sketch 4. Love theme |
UNIT IV: Vyas: Mahabharata (The book of Assembly Hall or Sabha Parva) | 1. Summary of Sabha Parva |
Unit V: Mrichchhakatikam by Sudraka translated by M. R. Kale | 1. Summary |
Unit VI: Cilappatikaran (The Tale of an Anklet) translated by R. Parthasarathy Book 3 | 1. Summary |
Paper 2: European Classical Literature
1. Homer: Iliad, Book 1 | 1. Summary 2. MCQ |
2. Sophocles: Oedipus the King | Notes |
3. Virgil: Aeneid, Book 1 | Notes |
4. Dante: selections from The Divine Comedy: Inferno (Canto 1 & 2) | Summary |
5. Horace: Satire Epistle 1, Book 1 | Summary |
6. Plautus: The plot of Gold | Summary |
Paper3: Indian Writing in English
1. R.K. Narayan, Swami and Friends | Summary Notes |
2. Amitav Ghosh, Shadow lines | Summary Notes |
1. H.L.V. Derozio’s ‘Freedom to the Slave’, ‘The Orphan Girl’ | Summary Notes |
2. Kamala Das, ‘Introduction’, ‘My Grandmother’s House’ | Summary Notes |
3. Nissim Ezekiel, ‘Goodbye Party to MIss Pushpa TS’, The Night of the Scorpion’ | Summary Notes |
4. Robin S. Ngangom, ‘The Strange Affair of Robin S. Ngangom’, ‘A Poem for Mother’ | Summary Notes |
5. Eunice de Souza, ‘De Souza Prabhu’ | Summary Notes |
1. Mulk Raj Anand ‘Two Lady Rams’ | Summary Notes |
2. Rohinton Mistry ‘Swimming Lesson’ | Summary Notes |
3. Shashi Deshpande’s ‘The Intrusion’ | Summary Notes |
1. Mahesh Dattani, Tara | Summary Notes |
Semester 3
Semester 4
Paper 4: British Poetry and Drama: 14th to 17th Century
Unit | Notes |
1. Background Reading: Renaissance Humanism; The Stage, Court and City; Religious and Political Thought; Ideas of Love and Marriage; The Writer in Society | coming soon |
2. Geoffery Chaucer: The Wife of Bath’s Prologue | coming soon |
3. Edmund Spencer: From Amoretti (a) Sonnet LXVII ‘Like as a huntsman’ (b) Sonnet LVII ‘Sweet warrior….’ (c) Sonnet LXXV ‘One day I wrote her name’ | coming soon |
4. John Done (a) The Sun Rising (b) Batter My Heart (c) Valediction; Forbidding Mourning | coming soon |
5. Christopher Marlowe: Doctor Faustus | coming soon |
6. William Shakespeare: Macbeth | coming soon |
7. William Shakespeare: Twelfth Night | coming soon |
Unit | Notes |
1. Background Readings: Religious and Secular Thought in the 17thCentury Changing Images of the Human Being in the Literature of the Period The Stage, the State and the Market The Mock-epic and Satire Women in the 17thCentury The Comedy of Manners | Coming soon |
2. John Milton, Paradise Lost: Book 1 | coming soon |
3. John Webster, The Duchess of Malfi | coming soon |
4. Aphra Behn, The Rover | coming soon |
5. Alexander Pope, The Rape of the Lock | coming soon |
Unit | Notes |
1. Background Readings: The Enlightenment and Neoclassicism Restoration Comedy The Country and the City The Novel and the Periodical Press The Self-Conscious Art Form | coming soon |
2. William Congreve, The Way of the World | coming soon |
3. Jonathan Swift, Gulliver’s Travels (Books III and IV) | coming soon |
4. Samuel Johnson, ‘London’ | coming soon |
5. Thomas Gray, ‘Elegy Written in a Countty Churchyard’ | coming soon |
6. Laurence Sterne, The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman | coming soon |
Unit | Notes |
1. Background Readings: Reason and Imagination Conceptions of Nature Literature and Revolution The Gothic The Romantic Lyric | coming soon |
2. William Blake: ‘The Chimney Sweeper’ | coming soon |
3. Robert Bums: ‘A Bard’s Epitaph’ | coming soon |
4. William Wordsworth: ‘Tintem Abbey’ | coming soon |
5. Samuel Taylor Coleridge: ‘Kubla Khan’ | coming soon |
6. Percy Bysshe Shelley: ‘Ode to the West Wind’ | coming soon |
7. John Keats: ‘Ode to a Nightingale’ | coming soon |
8. Mary Shelley: Frankenstein | coming soon |
Paper 8: British Literature: 19th Century
Unit | Notes |
1. Background Readings: Utilitarianism Colonialism and nineteenth century literature The Death of tlic Village The 19th Century Novel MaiTiage and Sexuality The Writer and Society Faith and Doubt The Dramatic Monologue | Coming soon |
2. Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice | Coming soon |
3. Charlotte Bronte, Jane Eyre | Coming soon |
4. Charles Dickens, Mard Times | Coming soon |
5. Alfred Tennyson, Ulysses’, ‘The Defence of Lucknow’ | Coming soon |
6. Robcrt Browning, ‘My Last Duchess’, ‘Fra Lippo Lippi’ | Coming soon |
7. Christina Rossetti, ‘The Goblin Market’ | Coming soon |
A New Updated syllabus is coming soon
A New Updated syllabus is coming soon