Bringing Up Kari Class 7 English Chapter 2 Notes, Summary, Questions Answers

The story is about a young boy named Kari who is given a baby elephant named Kari. The boy is nine years old and has never had a pet before. He is excited to take care of Kari and learn everything he can about elephants.

The boy takes Kari for walks in the forest, bathes him in the river, and feeds him twigs. Kari is a quick learner and soon learns to obey the boy’s commands. He is also a gentle and loving creature, and the boy grows to love him very much.

One day, the boy is taking Kari for a walk in the forest when they come across a group of men who are hunting elephants. The men are using guns and spears, and the boy knows that they are going to kill Kari. The boy tries to stop the men, but they are too strong.

Just when it seems like all hope is lost, Kari suddenly charges at the men. The men are so surprised that they drop their weapons and run away. The boy is so grateful to Kari for saving his life, and he knows that he will never forget this day.

The boy and Kari continue to live together, and they become best friends. The boy learns a lot from Kari about the importance of love, compassion, and courage. He also learns that even the smallest creature can be a hero.

The story ends with the boy and Kari living happily ever after.

Bringing Up Kari Questions Answers

Q1. Who is Kari?
Ans: Kari is a baby elephant who is brought up by the narrator. He is a mischievous but lovable creature who learns to obey the narrator’s commands.

Q2. What are the main points of comparison between Kari and a human baby?
Ans: Kari is like a human baby in many ways. He is playful, and curious, and needs to be taught how to behave. He also has a strong bond with the narrator, who is like a parent to him.

Q3. How did Kari help himself to all the bananas in the house without anyone noticing it?
Ans: Kari used his long trunk to reach the bananas that were on the dining table. He was very clever and managed to steal the bananas without anyone seeing him.

Q4. What were the instructions for the commands “sit” and “walk”?
Ans: The narrator taught Kari to sit by saying “Dhat” and pulling his ear. He taught Kari to walk by saying “Mali” and pulling his trunk forward.

Q5. What is “the master call”?
Ans: The master call is a special sound that an elephant trainer uses to get the attention of their elephant. It is a very important signal for an elephant to learn, as it allows the trainer to control the elephant’s behavior.

Q6. What are some of the challenges of raising an elephant?
Ans: Raising an elephant can be a very challenging task. Elephants are large and powerful creatures, and they can be dangerous if they are not handled properly. They also require a lot of food and water, and they can be very destructive if they are not given enough space to roam.

Q7. What are some of the rewards of raising an elephant?
Ans: Raising an elephant can also be very rewarding. Elephants are intelligent and social creatures, and they can form strong bonds with their keepers. They are also very gentle and loving animals, and they can bring a lot of joy to their keepers.

Q8. What are some of the things that Kari learned from the narrator?
Ans: Kari learned many things from the narrator, including how to obey commands, how to behave in public, and how to take care of himself. He also learned about the importance of friendship and loyalty.

Q9. How did Kari’s relationship with the narrator change over time?
Ans: Kari’s relationship with the narrator changed over time. At first, Kari was a playful and mischievous creature. However, as he got older, he became more responsible and obedient. He also developed a strong bond with the narrator, and they became like father and son.

Q10. What is the message of the chapter “Bringing Up Kari”?
Ans: The message of the chapter “Bringing Up Kari” is that even a wild animal can be tamed and trained with love and patience. It also shows the importance of friendship and loyalty.