The Tale of Melon City Summary: English Class 11

The Tale of Melon City Summary: The Tale of Melon City is a poem by Vikram Seth that satirizes the political system of any nation. The poem tells the story of a just and placid king who orders the construction of an arch across the main road in his city. The arch is built too low, and when the king rides under it, his crown falls off. The king is furious, and he orders the chief of builders to be hanged.

The chief of builders blames the workmen, who in turn blame the bricks. The king orders the execution of the mason who blamed the architect. The architect is brought to the Royal Court, but he refuses to blame anyone else. He says that the arch was built according to the king’s specifications and that it is the king himself who is to blame. The king is so angry that he orders the architect to be hanged as well.

The Tale of Melon City Summary

The poem ends with the people of Melon City electing a melon to be their new king. The people are happy with their new king because he does not interfere in their lives. He allows them to live in peace and liberty, and he does not impose any taxes on them. The melon king is a symbol of the people’s desire for a government that is not oppressive.

The Tale of Melon City is a satirical poem that criticizes the political system of any nation. The poem shows how easily a just and placid king can be turned into a tyrant. It also shows how the people of a nation can be easily manipulated by their leaders. The poem is a reminder that people must be vigilant in protecting their rights and freedoms.

Here are some of the key themes of the poem:

  • The Dangers of political power
  • The importance of individual freedom
  • The need for the people to be vigilant in protecting their rights

The Tale of Melon City is a thought-provoking poem that raises important questions about the nature of power and the role of the people in a democracy. It is a poem that is still relevant today.