Indian Classical Literature MCQ Questions

Indian Classical Literature is a core paper for the students of BA English Semester 1 like BBMKU University. In this article, 30 MCQ questions have been discussed that are very important for the examination of 1st year under the BBMKU University.

Indian Classical Literature MCQ

1. Who is known as the “Adi Kavi” (First Poet) in Sanskrit literature?

a. Valmiki
b. Vyasa
c. Kalidasa
d. Tulsidas

a. Valmiki

2. Which epic is attributed to the sage Vyasa?

a. Rigveda
b. Ramayana
c. Bhagavad Gita
d. Mahabharata

d. Mahabharata

3. The “Natya Shastra,” a foundational work on dramaturgy, is attributed to:

a. Tulsidas
b. Bharata Muni
c. Kalidasa
d. Patanjali

b. Bharata Muni

4. Kalidasa, a renowned poet, is associated with which classical Indian language?

a. Sanskrit
b. Tamil
c. Telugu
d. Kannada

a. Sanskrit

5. Who wrote the famous Sanskrit play “Shakuntala”?

a. Kalidasa
b. Bhasa
c. Sudraka
d. Harsha

a. Kalidasa

6. “Raghuvamsha” is an epic poem written by:

a. Tulsidas
b. Valmiki
c. Kalidasa
d. Vyasa

c. Kalidasa

7. The “Geet Govind” is a work by the poet:

a. Surdas
b. Kabir
c. Jayadeva
d. Tulsidas

c. Jayadeva

8. The author of “Meghaduta” is:

a. Kalidasa
b. Bhasa
c. Sudraka
d. Harsha

a. Kalidasa

9. In which language did Tulsidas write the epic “Ramcharitmanas”?

a. Sanskrit
b. Hindi
c. Awadhi
d. Maithili

c. Awadhi

10. The term “Alankara Shastra” refers to the study of:

a. Rhetoric and poetics
b. Grammar
c. Phonetics
d. Metrics

a. Rhetoric and poetics

11. The “Thirukkural” is a classic Tamil work attributed to:

a. Thiruvalluvar
b. Kambar
c. Bharathi
d. Manickavacakar

a. Thiruvalluvar

12. Who is often considered the father of modern Hindi literature?

a. Kabir
b. Premchand
c. Tulsidas
d. Surdas

b. Premchand

13.”Silappadikaram” and “Manimekalai” are important works in which South Indian classical language?

a. Telugu
b. Kannada
c. Tamil
d. Malayalam

c. Tamil

14. Which ancient Sanskrit text discusses the principles of drama and stagecraft?

a. Arthashastra
b. Natya Shastra
c. Kamasutra
d. Manusmriti

b. Natya Shastra

15. The “Panchatantra” is a collection of:

a. Fables and moral stories
b. Epic poems
c. Love stories
d. Historical narratives

a. Fables and moral stories

Indian Classical Literature MCQ

16. The philosophical work “Yoga Sutras” is attributed to:

a. Adi Shankaracharya
b. Patanjali
c. Ramanuja
d. Madhvacharya

b. Patanjali

17. The language of the classical literature “Periya Puranam” is:

a. Sanskrit
b. Pali
c. Tamil
d. Prakrit

c. Tamil

18.”Gitanjali,” a collection of poems that earned Rabindranath Tagore the Nobel Prize in Literature, was originally written in which language?

a. Bengali
b. Hindi
c. English
d. Urdu

a. Bengali

19. The Sanskrit play “Mricchakatika” (The Little Clay Cart) is attributed to:

a. Kalidasa
b. Bhasa
c. Sudraka
d. Harsha

c. Sudraka

20.”Bhakti movement” in India was associated with the composition of devotional literature in languages such as:

a. Sanskrit and Pali
b. Tamil and Kannada
c. Hindi and Marathi
d. All of the above

d. All of the above

21. The author of the “Manusmriti” is:

a. Valmiki
b. Vyasa
c. Manu
d. Bhrigu

c. Manu

22. The famous Tamil epic “Silappadikaram” is attributed to:

a. Kambar
b. Thiruvalluvar
c. Ilango Adigal
d. Bharathi

c. Ilango Adigal

23. The poetry collection “Gitanjali” by Rabindranath Tagore contains how many poems?

a. 50
b. 75
c. 100
d. 150

c. 100

24. Who is the author of “Anand Math,” a novel that popularized the hymn “Vande Mataram“?

a. Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay
b. Rabindranath Tagore
c. Sarojini Naidu
d. Kazi Nazrul Islam

a. Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay

25. The “Rajatarangini,” a historical chronicle, was written by:

a. Kalhana
b. Bana
c. Harsha
d. Dandin

a. Kalhana

Also read

26.”Bhagavad Gita” is part of which Indian epic?

a. Ramayana
b. Mahabharata
c. Puranas
d. Upanishads

b. Mahabharata

27. The first Indian classical literature is:

a. Manusmriti
b. The Geeta
c. The Ramayana
d. Rigveda

d. Rigveda

28. Which language was the first Indian classical literature written in?

a. Sanskrit
b. Pali
c. Tamil
d. Prakrit

a. Sanskrit

29. Who is considered the author of the Rigveda?

a. Vyasa
b. Valmiki
c. Vasishta
d. Rishi Angiras

d. Rishi Angiras

30. Who is the god most frequently praised in the Rigveda?

a. Vishnu
b. Shiva
c. Agni
d. Indra

d. Indra

Hope you Enjoyed the Lessons

In conclusion, exploring Indian Classical Literature through these multiple-choice questions has offered us a glimpse into the rich tapestry of cultural, philosophical, and artistic expressions embedded in the ancient texts. The diverse array of questions has not only tested our knowledge but has also sparked a curiosity to delve deeper into the vast literary landscape of India. Indian Classical Literature, with its timeless wisdom and profound insights, serves as a beacon that continues to guide and inspire generations. As we navigate the realms of these literary treasures, may our quest for knowledge be fueled by a sincere appreciation for the profound heritage that Indian Classical Literature unfolds.