The Bear Story Class 7 English Chapter 8 Notes, Summary, Questions Answers

Once upon a time, there was a lady who lived in a big house on the edge of a forest. One day, she was walking in the forest when she came across a small, starving bear cub. The bear was so weak that it could barely move. The lady took pity on the bear and brought it home with her. She fed it and nursed it back to health.

The bear grew into a big, strong bear, but he was also very gentle and kind. He never harmed anyone, and he loved to play with the lady’s children. One day, the bear was playing in the garden when he accidentally knocked over a beehive. The bees were angry and they stung the bear all over. The bear was in a lot of pain, but he didn’t hurt the bees back. He just ran away and hid in the forest.

The lady was very upset when she saw the bear’s wounds. She went into the forest to find him and apologize. She found the bear sitting under a tree. He was still in pain, but he was glad to see the lady. The lady apologized to the bear for what had happened, and the bear forgave her.

The bear and the lady lived happily ever after. The bear never forgot the lady’s kindness, and he always protected her and her family.

The Bear Story is a story about kindness, forgiveness, and the power of love. It teaches us that even the biggest and strongest creatures can be gentle and kind and that we should always forgive those who have wronged us.

The Bear Story Class 7 Questions Answers

Q1: Why did the lady take pity on the bear cub?
Ans: The lady took pity on the bear cub because it was small, starving, and weak. She saw that it was in need of help, and she wanted to help it.

Q2.  What did the lady do to help the bear cub?
Ans: The lady brought the bear cub home with her and fed it. She also nursed it back to health.

Q3. How did the bear repay the lady for her kindness?
Ans: The bear never harmed anyone, and he loved to play with the lady’s children. He also protected the lady and her family from danger.

Q4. What is the moral of the story?
Ans: The moral of the story is that even the biggest and strongest creatures can be gentle and kind. It also teaches us that we should always be grateful for the kindness of others and that we should always try to help those in need.

Q5. What are the challenges that the lady faced in raising the bear cub?
Ans. The lady faced many challenges in raising the bear cub. First, she had to find a way to feed him. Bears are omnivorous, so she had to find a way to provide him with a balanced diet. Second, she had to find a way to keep him warm. Bears are cold-blooded, so they need to be kept warm in order to survive. Third, she had to teach him how to behave in the human world. Bears are wild animals, and they don’t always know how to behave around humans.

Q6. How did the bear cub change the lady’s life?
Ans: The bear cub changed the lady’s life in many ways. First, he gave her a sense of purpose. She had always wanted to help animals, and now she had the opportunity to do just that. Second, he brought her joy and companionship. The bear cub was a playful and loving creature, and he brought a lot of happiness into her life. Third, he taught her about the importance of kindness and compassion. The bear cub was a gentle and forgiving creature, and he taught her that even the biggest and strongest creatures can be kind.

Q7. What are the themes of The Bear Story?
Ans: The themes of The Bear Story are kindness, forgiveness, and the power of love. The story teaches us that even the biggest and strongest creatures can be gentle and kind and that we should always forgive those who have wronged us. The story also teaches us that love can overcome any obstacle.