The Nun’s Priest’s Tale Summary B.A. English Notes For BBMKU Semester II

The Nun’s Priest’s Tale: It is one of the most famous tells of the Canterbury tells by Chaucer. Here are the short notes for the BA English Students of the BBMKU and VBU Universities Semester II.

The Nun’s Priest’s Tale Summary

The Nun's Priest's Tale summary
The Nun’s Priest’s Tale Summary

The Nun’s Priest’s Tale is told in the form of a fable defined as a narration in which animals speak and act like humans. The priest tales of a rooster in charge of seven hens. The fable is a mock-heroic which is a story that relates to an epic taking tribal subjects and blowing them out of proportion. This fable concerns a world of talking animals who reflect both human perceptions and fallacy. Its protagonist is “Chaunticleer”, a proud rooster who dreams of his approaching dooms in the form of a fox. Frightened, he awakens Pertelote, the only hen among his seven wives with whom he is infatuated. She assures him that he only suffers from indigestion and chides him for paying heed to a simple dream. Chaunticleer recounts stories of prophets who foresaw their deaths, dreams that were more profound. Chaunticleer is comfort greet a new day.

Unfortunately for Chaunticleer, his own dream was also correct. A fox full of iniquity who has to treat Chaunticleer’s father and mother to their downfalls lies in wait for him in spots this Daun Russell, the fox plays to his pray’s inflated ego and overcomes the cock insisting he would love to hear Chaunticleer’s voice just as his amazing father did, with neck outstretched on his tiptoes. When the cock snatches his neck out and closes his eyes the fox catches him in his jaws.

As the fox flees through the forest, the captured Chaunticleer thrice described as being carried in the fox should pause to tell his pursuers to give up their chase his now his undoing: as the fox opens his mouth to taunt his pursuers, Chauntecleer escapes from his jaws and proceeds to fly up the nearest tree. The fox tries in vain to convince the wary rooster, who now prefers the safety of the tree and refuses to fall for the same trick a second time. The Nun’s Priest elaborates his slender tale with epic parallels drawn from ancient history and chivalry and spins it out with many an excursus, giving a display of learning which, in the context of the story and its characters, can only be comic and ironic, then he wraps up with a moral, admonishing his audience to be careful of reckless decisions and of trust in flattery.

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