Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers summary Class12 is written by Adrienne Rich: इस कविता में आंट जेनिफर के विवाह के बाद की जीवन अनुभव के बारे में बताया गया है। ये अनुभव सिर्फ आंट जेनिफर की नहीं बल्कि सभी स्त्रियों के जीवन विवाह के बाद कैसी हो जाती है, इस कविता के माध्यम से कवी ने  बताने की कोसिस की है। कविता में जिन बाघों के बारे में बताया गया है, वे वास्तविक नहीं है बल्कि आंट जेनिफर के द्वारा पर्दों पर बनायीं गयी चित्र है।

Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers Stanza 1

Aunt Jennifer’s tiger prance across a screen,
Bright topaz denizens of a world of green.
They do not fear the men beneath the tree;
They pace in sleek chivalry certainty.

Vocab of stanza 1: prance- दौड़ना, उछल-कूद, screen-पर्दा, Bright- चमकदार, चमकीला, topaz- पुख़राज ( पिले रंग की एक पत्थर ), denizens- निवासी,बाशिंदा, green world- जंगल, sleek- शांत रूप से,चिकना, chivalry- शुर-वीर के समान, certainty- निस्संदेह

Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers summary stansa 1:आंट (चाची) जेनिफर के सभी बाघ पर्दो पर दौड़ते रहते हैं,  चमकीले बाघ पुख़राज के सामान दीखते है और ये जंगलों में निवास करते हैं, ये बाघ पेड़ के निचे खड़े शिकारियों से नहीं डरते है, ये बहुत ठाट से शुर-वीर के समान निःसंदेह होकर चलते है। 

Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers Stanza 2

Aunt Jennifer’s finger fluttering through her wool
Find even the ivory needle hard to pull.
The massive weight of Uncle’s wedding band
Sits heavily upon Aunt Jennifer’s hand.

Vocab of stanza 2: fluttering- थरथराहट, कंपन, ivory- हाथीदांत का बना हुआ, massive- बोझल, बहुत, wedding band- शादी की अंगूठी

Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers summary stanza 2: आंट जेनिफर के अंगुलियाँ बुनाई करने के समय कांपती है, जिस कारन हाथि के दांत से बने सुई को भी नहीं खींच पा रही है( शायद अंकल को आंट जेनिफर के  काम को पसंद नहीं करते है और इस कारन आंट अंकल से दरी हुयी है ), अंकल के शादी का जो अंगूठी है उसके जिम्मेवारियों का वजन बहुत है और और ये जिम्मेवारियाँ आंट जेनिफर के हाथों को जकड़े राखी है।

Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers Stanza 3

When Aunt is dead, her terrified hands will lie
Still ringed with ordeals she was mastered by.
The tigers in the panel that she made
Will go on prancing, proud and unafraid.

Vocab of stanza 2: terrified- भयाकुल, डरावना, ordeals- परख, परीक्षा
mastered – क़ाबू में रखना, गुलाम बनाना, panel- पर्दा 

Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers summary stanza 3: जब आंट की मृत्यु हो जाती है, उनकी डरावनी हाथें पड़ी हुयी है और  मरने के बाद भी वो उन जिम्मेवारियों की रिंग से आजाद नहीं हुयी जिस रिंग के द्वारा अंकल ने उन्हें गुलाम बनाया था, जबकी उनके द्वारा घर  के पर्दों पर  बनाये गए बाघ गर्व से निडर होकर दौड़ता रहेगा।

Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers Important Questions Answers:

1. Why do Aunt Jennifer’s fingers flutter through her wool?
Ans: Aunt Jennifer is afraid of her dominating husband. He does not like her knitting work so she feels very nervous and panic. Hence, her fingers flutter when she set down to knit. she finds it difficult to pull the ivory needle through her wool.

2. What or of whom is Aunt Jennifer terrified in the third stanza?
Ans: Aunt Jennifer is terrified of unpleasant memories of her married life. She had many ordeals and horrible moments after her marriage. After her marriage, her husband dominated her throughout her life. Even after death, she was still ringed with ordeals.

3. What difficulty does Aunt Jennifer face while making her tigers?
Ans: Aunt Jennifer’s marriage life was very horrible and unpleasant. She was afraid of her dominating husband. She lived a constantly fearful and unpleasant life. These reasons made her knitting work hard. Her fingers were fluttering while knitting. She felt hard to pull the ivory needle through her wool.

4. What will happen to the tigers of Aunt Jennifer when she is dead?
Ans: The tigers which Aunt Jennifer has created is an art and the art never dies. The tigers are unafraid will go on prancing proudly on the panels after the death of Aunt Jennifer. When Aunt is dead, her creation survives her art. 

Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers Class12 in Hindi

Stanza solutions:

Aunt Jennifer’s tiger prance across a screen,
Bright topaz denizens of a world of green.
They do not fear the men beneath the tree;
They pace in sleek chivalry certainty.

(a) Name the poem and the poet
Ans: Poem: Aunt Jennifer’s Tiger   Poet: Adrienne Rich

(b) What are Aunt Jennifer’s tigers doing?
Ans: Aunt Jennifer’s tigers is prancing and jumping on the curtains of the house.

(c) How do they look like?
Ans: They have shining black strips on their bright yellowish body so they look like shiny yellow topaz.

(d) How do they pace?
Ans: They pace smoothly and confidently.

(e) Are they fearless?
Ans: Yes, They are fearless because they do not afraid of hunters.

Aunt Jennifer’s finger fluttering through her wool
Find even the ivory needle hard to pull.
The massive weight of Uncle’s wedding band
Sits heavily upon Aunt Jennifer’s hand.

(a) Where were Aunt’s fingers fluttering through?
Ans: Aunt Jennifer’s fingers were fluttering through her wool.

(b) Why are the fingers fluttering?
Ans: The fingers are fluttering because of weakness and burden.

(c) How was she pulling the needle?
Ans: She was pulling the needle with very difficulty.

(d) Where did the wedding band sit upon?
Ans: The wedding band sat heavily upon Aunt Jennifer’s hands.

(f) Why can be needle not be pulled?
 Ans: The weight of unhappy memories and the burden of her married life sits heavy on her fingers.

Stanza solutions

When Aunt is dead, her terrified hands will lie
Still ringed with ordeals she was mastered by
The tigers in the panel that she made
Will go on prancing, proud and unafraid

(a) Why are Aunt Jennifer’s hands ‘terrified’?
Ans: Aunt Jennifer’s hands are ‘terrified’ as they still bear the cruel burdens of her, not a happy wedded life.

(b) What are they still ringed with?
Ans: Her hand is still ringed with the ‘massive weight of her husband’s wedding ring.

(c) Where did she make the tiger?
Ans: She made the tigers in the panel.

(d) What will happen to her tigers after her death?
Ans: The tigers will go on prancing proudly and fearlessly in the panel after her death.

(e) What is the present status of Aunt Jennifer?
Ans: Aunt Jennifer is dead. her finger has still ringed the wadding and her hand looks terrified.

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