I Want Something In a Cage Class 7 English Chapter 6 Notes, Summary, Questions Answers

The story “I Want Something in a Cage” by Ruskin Bond is about a pet shop owner named Mr. Purcell. One day, a strange man enters the shop and asks for something in a cage. Mr. Purcell shows him a variety of birds and animals, but the man is not interested in any of them. He simply wants something in a cage.

Mr. Purcell is puzzled by the man’s request, but he eventually sells him a pair of white doves for five dollars. The man pays for the doves and then leaves the shop.

A few minutes later, Mr. Purcell sees the man outside, opening the cage and letting the doves fly away. Mr. Purcell is shocked and confused by this behavior. He asks the man why he did not want to keep the doves, and the man replies, “I wanted to give them their freedom.”

Mr. Purcell is left to ponder the man’s words. He realizes that he has been so used to seeing animals in cages that he has forgotten what it means to be free. The man’s act of kindness has opened his eyes, and he decides to change his business practices. He vows to no longer sell animals in cages, and instead, he will focus on helping animals find homes where they can be free.

The story “I Want Something in a Cage” is a reminder that animals are not ours to own. They are living creatures who deserve to be free. We should all do our part to help animals find homes where they can be happy and healthy.

Additional details from the story:

  • Mr. Purcell is a small, fussy man with red cheeks and a tight, melon stomach. He wears large glasses that make his eyes look big.
  • The pet shop is filled with all sorts of animals, including cats, dogs, monkeys, birds, and fish.
  • The noise in the shop is constant, but Mr. Purcell is used to it.
  • The strange man is tall and thin, with a pale face and a long, black coat. He wears a cheap, ill-fitting suit and shiny shoes.
  • The man pays for the doves with a five-dollar bill.
  • After he lets the doves fly away, the man smiles at Mr. Purcell and says, “Thank you.”
  • Mr. Purcell is left feeling confused and uneasy. He wonders why the man wanted to buy two doves only to let them go.
  • The story ends with Mr. Purcell deciding to change his business practices. He vows to no longer sell animals in cages.

I Want Something In a Cage Questions Answers

Q1: What surprised Mr. Purcell one day?
Ans: Mr. Purcell was surprised when a customer came into his shop without the bell at the door ringing. The customer appeared out of nowhere, and Mr. Purcell found him to be strange and uncanny.

Q2: Describe the stranger who came to the pet shop. What did he want?
Ans: The stranger was a tall, thin man with a pale face and dark eyes. He was wearing a cheap, ill-fitting suit and had close-cropped hair. He seemed to be nervous and restless, and he kept looking around the shop as if he was afraid of something. He wanted to buy something in a cage.

Q3: Why did the stranger want to buy something in a cage?
Ans: The stranger had spent ten years in prison, and he knew what it was like to be trapped. He wanted to buy something in a cage so that he could set it free. He believed that all creatures should be free, and he wanted to give them a chance to experience the world.

Q4: What happened to the doves that the stranger bought?
Ans: The stranger bought a pair of doves and set them free. He opened the cage and watched as they flew away. He smiled as he watched them, and he knew that he had done the right thing.

Q5: What does the story say about the importance of freedom?
Ans: The story says that freedom is important for all creatures. It is something that should not be taken for granted. The stranger in the story knew what it was like to be trapped, and he wanted to give others a chance to experience the freedom that he had found.