The Last Lesson Class 12 | Class 12 English Chapter 1 Questions Answers

The last lesson Class 12: This chapter has been taken from The Flamingo (NCERT English 1st Book for Class 12th). In this blog you gets Important MCQ Questions, Fill in the Blanks, Important Questions and Answers. These things help you to prepare this lesson for your Board Examinations. Lets start…..


The last Lesson: MCQ Questions

1 Which country was defeated in Franco-Prussian War? 
a. France 
b. Prussia
c. Germany 
d. None of these

a. France 

2 Which language was taught by M. Hamel in school?
a. English
b. French
c. Chinese
d. German 

b. French

3 Who is the author of “The Last Lesson”?
a. Anees Jung
b. Louis Fischer
c. Kalki Krishnamurthy
d. Alphonse Daudet 

d. Alphonse Daudet 

4 What would M. Hamel ask the children questions on?
a. Tense
b. Participle 
c. Verb
d. Preposition 

b. Participle 

5 Where did Frenz delay to go?
a. to home
b. to temple
c. to school
d. to the playground

c. to school

6 What is the synonym for tempting?
a. alluring
b. tension
c. fear
d. holy

a. alluring

7 How quiet was the school that day?
a. like Sunday morning 
b. like holiday
c. like Christmas
d. like evening

a. like Sunday morning

8 Frenz was very scared that day because he did not                  .
a. wear school dress
b. prepare on participle 
c. eat breakfast
d. pay school fee

b. prepare on participle

9 M. Hamel said that he would question on                     .
a. pronoun
b. gender
c. participle
d. None of these

c. participle

10 Who was sitting on the backbenches?
a. school staffs
b. students
c. teachers
d. villager

d. villager

The Last Lesson Class 12: Fill in the Blanks

1 M. Hamel had on his beautiful                      coat. ( red / green )

2 The order has come from                    to teach only German in the school of Alsase and Lorraine. ( Berlin / Hamburg )

3 M. Hamel said that                       is the most beautiful language in the world. ( German / French )

                   language was imposed on the people of Alsase and Lorraine. ( English / German )

5 There was a crowd in front of the                           . ( school / bulletin-board )

Ans- 1-green, 2-Berlin, 3-French, 4-German, 5-bulletin-board

The Last Lesson Class 12: Questions Answers

1. What was Franz expected to be prepared with for school that day?
Ans: Franz was expected to be prepared with participles for the school that day because Mr. Hamel said that he would question them on participles and Franz did not prepare for that.

2. What did Franz notice that was unusual about the school that day?
Ans: Usually, when school began, there was a great noise of the opening and closing of desks, lessons repeated in unison very loud and the teacher’s great ruler rapping on the table But that day it was as quiet as Sunday morning. His classmates were already in their places. Some villagers were also sitting on the backbenches which were always empty. All were sad and solemn. Mr. Hamel put on his best clothes.

3. What had been put on the bulletin board?
Ans: An order had been put on the bulletin board that came from Berlin that only the German language would be taught in the school of Alsace and Lorraine from the next day. It was a thunderclap for Franz. All the bad news had come from their last two years.

4. What changes did the order from Berlin cause in school that day?
Ans: Many changes took place because of the order from berline. Mr. Hamel put on his best dress on the last day in his school. The whole school seems so strange and solemn. Some villagers were sitting on the backbenches which were always empty. All were very sad.

5. How did Franz’s feelings about M. Hamel and school change?
Ans: When M. Hamel announced that it was his last french lesson that he would give, Frenz was shocked to hear that because he hardly learned how to write and he should never learn any more. He was very sad. The idea was he would never see M. Hamel from the next day, He forgot all about his iron ruler and how cranky he was.

6. What was the order that came from Berlin?
Ans: The order that came from Berline only German would be taught in the school of Alsace and Lorraine from the next day. A new German teacher would join from tomorrow.

7. Why was M. Hamel wearing his best dress?
Ans: M. Hamel was a french teacher in a primary school. He wore a green coat with a frilled shirt and a small black silk cape. It was his best dress. He wore his best dress in respect of his country and it was his last day in that school. 

8. Which language would replace French in school? Why?
Ans: German language would replace French in all the schools of Alsace and Lorraine because Germany invaded these two districts of France. Now, It was part of Germany so the German language was imposed on the French-speaking people of the occupied district of France. 

9. Who was M Hamel? Why was he sad?
Ans: M Hamel was a French teacher in a primary school where Franz was studying. He had been giving faithful service for forty years in that school. He was sad because it was his last day in that school. An order came from Berlin that only the German Language would be taught in the school of Alsace and Lorraine. A German teacher would come tomorrow.

10. How did M Hamel give the shocking news to the students and the villagers and with what effect?
Ans: M Hamel put on his best clothes. Some villagers were also sitting in the class. All were very sad and solemn. M Hamel used a very gentle tone when he announced that it was his last lesson and the order came from Berline that only German would be taught in the school of Alsace and Lorraine.

1. Draw a character sketch of M. Hamel as it is shown in ‘The Last Lesson.’
Ans: M. Hamel was a French teacher. He was teaching in a primary school. He had been giving faithful service for forty years in a school. He was very strict and cranky. He always carried an iron ruler with him. He gave homework to his students every day. He was a responsible teacher and citizen. He loves France and French. He was very upset when he got the news of the lost battle and Germany invaded two districts of France. His heart was broken when he came to know Germany imposing his language on Franch speaking people. Students and Villagers love and respect him for his prizeworthy service. He was a strict and cranky but kindhearted person. He showed his love for children on his last working day. He did not scold Franz for coming late. He did not use his iron ruler when Franze answered incompletely about participle. He loves his profession. He taught a lesson about the French language. He stated the importance of a language and declared that France language is the most beautiful language in the world. It is the clearest and most logical language.
2. Describe what little Franz saw along the way when he walked to school that day?
Ans: Franz started school very late that morning. The day was very bright and warm. It was a very attractive day. The Birds’ chirruping sound was coming from the edge of the nearest jungle. The Prussian soldiers were drilling in the open field behind the sawmill. It was more tempting than the rules of the participle. For a moment he thought of spending the day out of the doors but he had the strength to face M Hamel and he hurried to school. When Franz was passing the town hall, he saw there was a big crowd in front of the bulletin board. They were reading an order that came from Berlin. Germany invaded two districts of France so Germany was imposing the German language on French-speaking people in Alsace and Lorraine. Franz also saw a blacksmith standing with his apprentices watching him told to not go so fast to school he had plenty of time. When he reached M Hamel’s little garden, he saw all the students already were in the classrooms.

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