The Two Little Soldiers BA English Note

The Two Little Soldiers is a short story. Guy De Maupassant is the author. The lesson is taken from BA English first semester. The students who belong to BBMKU University and VBU university can use this note. JPathshala Especially works for BA English Students. You can also visit our YouTube Channel ‘Jharkhand Pathshala.’

The Two Little Soldiers Summary

“The Two Little Soldiers” is a short french story. The author of this story is Guy De Maupassant. This story is set in Courbevoie, a town in the countryside of France in the 19th century. The theme of this story is friendship, love, betrayal and jealousy.

As the title of this story is ” Two little soldiers”, so we can understand that the story is about two soldiers. The name of the two soldiers is Luc De Ganidec and Jean Kerderen. They both were good friends and fall in love with a girl, she is a milkmaid. She was so beautiful, her red and browny hairs, dreamy eyes etc attracted both soldiers.

Actually, the two soldiers used to live on the soldier’s campus but on Sunday they used to spend their life far from the campus in the jungle because it was their off day. The milkmaid also used to come there for milking, they both used to see her, one day they talked to her and became good friends.

On Tuesday, the one soldier, Luc Dr Ganidec went to meet the milkmaid without telling his friend, Jean Kerderen, and the next day his did the same. On Sunday they went to the jungle together and was waiting for the milkmaid. As she came, she kissed Luc De Ganidec, Jean Kerderen was shocked to see that, he was very disappointed because he also loved her and was unaware of the fact that Luc de Ganidec also Loved her. He was very upset when he came to know that they were a couple now. Afterwards, Luc de Ganidec went with the milkmaid to leave her to her home and Jean was standing there alone weeping inside.

There was a lake near the jungle, Jean Kerderen went there and after some time later Luc de Ganidec also came there. Luc de Ganidec was asking his friend to return to the campus but he proceeded his foot towards the lake and he threw himself into the lake. Ganidec was shouting his friend’s name and trying to see him into the water but he was disappeared.

Critical appreciation BA English Note BBMKU

This story is written by Guy De Maupassant. Maupassant used very simple diction in his story. He is a realistic writer, he wrote stories based on realism. He simply portrays the world as he sees it realistically. In his stories, he used characters from his own closely experienced persons, close friends or relatives. He is considered the master of short story writing.

He wrote the short story “The Two Little Soldiers” during the Franco Prussian war or in the 19th century. He beautifully described the friendship between two friends, Luc de Ganidec and Jean Kerderen. He gave a beautiful glimpse of the jungle and of the lake where they used to spend time every Sunday. Apart from all these, he beautifully described the beauty of the milkmaid, he States that ” She was the most beautiful girl in the countryside of France”.

Moreover, the way he described the suicide of Jean Kerderen was quite admirable. One can imagine the scene while reading this story. Them of this story was love, friendship, betrayal and jealousy.

More Note BBMKU