Journey to the end of the Earth Class 12 Vistas book questions answers

Journey to the end of the Earth
By: Tishani Doshi
Class 12 Book Vistas
Chapter – 3

Important MCQs Questions: Journey to the end of the Earth

1 What is the coldest, driest and windiest continent in the world?
a. Asia
b. Africa
c. Antarctica 
d. North America 

2 How many time zones did the Akademik Shokalskiy (a ship) cross in Antarctica’s journey?
a. 7
b. 9
c. 10
d. 14

3 How many hours did Arthur travel by bus, aeroplane and water ship to reach Antarctica?
a. 30 hours
b. 50 hours
c. 75 hours
d. 100 hours

4 What was the name of the supercontinent?
a. Gondwana
b. Asia
c. Canada
d. Africa

5 How many years ago did Gondwana exist?
a. 50 million years 
b. 650 million years
c. 60 million years
d. 70 million years

6 Centuries ago, India was part of which continent?
a. Asia
b. Antarctica
c. America
d. None of these

7 Who was the president of the student on-ice program?
a. Geoff Green
b. Jeff Green
c. Geoff Keighley
d. Geoff Marshall

8 Who is the author of ‘Journey to the end of the Earth’?
a. Kalki
b. Geoff Green
c. Tishani Dosi
d. Anita Desai

9 Which place should we go to know about the Earth’s past, present and future?
a. Africa 
b. Australia
c. North America
d. Antarctica

10 What are the important indications of the future of humankind?
a. melting glaciers
b. depleting ozone layer
c. increasing global warming
d. All of these

11 Why is Antarctica a restricted place?
a. because it’s too cold
b. because of no life
c.  to protect the environment
d. because of snow

Ans: 1- c, 2-b, 3-d, 4-a, 5-b, 6-b, 7-a, 8-c, 9-d, 10-d, 11-c

Fill in the blanks: Journey to the end of the Earth

1 The                        is the place to go to know more about the planet’s past. (Gondwana/Antarctica)

2 500 million years ago, Gondwana was hosting a huge variety of                      and fauna. (flora/flower)

                              and India were part of the same landmass.  (Antarctica/America)

                        of the Earth’s total ice volumes are stored in Antarctica. ( 75 per cent/90 per cent)

5  Students on Ice programme aimed to develop new understanding and respect for our                         . ( Education/planet)

Ans: 1-Antarctica, 2-flora, 3-Antarctica, 4-90 per cent, 5-planet

Important Questions Answers: Journey to the end of the Earth

1. What is the aim of ‘Students on Ice’ programme?
Ans: ‘Students on Ice’ programme aims to take high school students to the ends of the world and providing them with inspiring educational opportunities. This will help them to develop a new understanding and respect for our planet. Canadian national Geoff Green offers the future generation of policy-makers a life-changing experience at an age when they are ready to absorb, learn and act.

2. What was the purpose of the visit to Antarctica?
Ans: The purpose of the visit to Antarctica was to have first-hand knowledge and experience of Antarctica. It was to understand the significance of the Cordilleran fold, Ozone and Carbon. The aim was to see glaciers retreating and ice sheaves collapsing. It was to realize how real the threat of global warming and depletion of the ozone layer was.

3. When were India and Antarctica part of the same Landmass?
Ans: There was a time when India and Antarctica were part of the same Landmass. Six hundred and fifty million years ago, there existed a giant amalgamated super-continent. It was called Gondwana. Human beings hadn’t arrived on the global scene. The climate of Gondwana, including that of Antarctica, was much warmer hosting a huge variety of flora and fauna.

4. What happened to Gondwana 150 million years ago? Or what was Gondwana? How did it disintegrate?
Ans: Gondwana prospered for 500 million years. But around this time dinosaurs were wiped out. The age of the mammals stared. The landmass was forced to separate into countries. India was pushed northwards. The Himalayas were formed. This disruption shaped the globe much as we know it today.

5. How do geological phenomena help us to know about the history of humankind?
Ans: Geological phenomena certainly help us to know about the history of humankind. We come to know that 650 million years ago, a giant southern supercontinent ‘Gondwana’ did exist. Things were quite different then. Human hadn’t arrived on the global scene. The climate was much warmer. It had a huge variety of flora and fauna. For 500 million years, Gondwana thrived. Finally, it broke to separate into countries as they exist today. It was the stage when dinosaurs were wiped out and the age of mammals got underway.

6. Describe the walking experience on the ocean in the Antarctic Circle.
Ans: Tishani Joshi gives a vivid description of the walking experience on the ocean in the Antarctic Circle. The Russian research ship managed to place herself into a thick stretch of ice. They were instructed to climb down the gangplank and walk on the ocean. Underneath their feet was a meter-thick ice pack. And below it was 180 meters of living, of living, breathing, salt-water. Seals were lying in the sun on ice.

7. What are the reasons for increasing the average global temperature or global warming? Or what is the impact of human civilization on earth?
Ans: The senseless consumption of natural resources is the major reason for increasing global warming. The burning of fossil fuels has polluted the atmosphere. It has created a blanket of carbon dioxide around the world which has produced a greenhouse effect. It is slowly but surely increasing the average global temperature. Global warming has given birth to too many climatic changes.

8. What are the indications for the future of humankind?
Ans: The future of humankind is very likely to get in danger. Rapid human population growth and limited resources exert pressure on land. The burning of fossil fuels has only helped in increasing the average global temperature. There is a huge possibility of the ice sheet melting in the Antarctic region. Melting of ice-caps, depletion of the ozone layer and global warming are the real and immediate dangers for mankind. They will affect the lives of all the marine animals and the birds of the region. All these may lead to serious environmental problems.

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