English Writing In India: Students have numerous problems while studying English writing in India cause they do have not enough knowledge of its historical background. It is good to read this article. It helps you to understand Indian English Literature and enhance your thinking ability towards Indian writing in English.
A Historical overview: English Writing in India
The chapter describes the introduction of the English language in India in four phases. Every phase has its unique importance as well as significance. The four phases of the English language are
- 1800-1857 (First Phase)
- 1857-1880 (Second Phase)
- 1880-1947 (Third Phase)
- 1947-2004 (Fourth Phase)
Different Phases Of Indian English
Besides the introduction, the importance of English for Indians has also been mentioned in this chapter. The introduction of English was totally a new concept for Indians in the beginning and it not only broadened their thinking and knowledge but also gave them the new concepts of freedom, equality, and individual dignity. It helped them to get India free also. The use of English resulted in mental growth and broad thinking. In the early Indian phase, English represented a position of power. In the beginning, it was very difficult, almost impossible to adopt, as it was an alien/foreign language, difficult to understand or speak. However, it was done in the first phase with great determination and hard work.
A framework of policy was made to bring in this foreign language and to make people aware of it, to make them understand, and read it as well as to convey the message of better thinking and culture through it. In this phase, India had to cover a long distance to reach modernity as it was stuck in orthodoxy. English brought our elites and middle-class individuals face to face with a different perspective. The first phase inspired only thinkers and reformers whereas the second phase (1957-1880) was productive in literature. During the second phase, English affected the ideas and value system of Indian society largely. With increasing knowledge of English, a large number of creative minds began to look at their counterparts in England as their role models and sought to emulate their example. It helped the Indian society/mind to wrestle free from the highly stylized and moralistic renderings of myths in the society. With the efforts of reformers, a meaningful interaction came into existence.
BA English Semester II BBMKU University
People realized that language can be used as a medium of expression as well as communication by any community or society, irrespective of the place from where it originated. During this phase, the appeal of the English remained restricted in the Indian environment. The third phase (1880-1947) brought out the inefficiency of a foreign language. This phase was marked by the dialectic of supporting and opposing the emerging situation under the influence of a growing nationalistic awareness resulting in the final attainment of freedom from the British in 1947. Our society developed the feeling of commonness. Indian National Movement started at the end of the 19th century and resulted in independence.
Only the enlightened sections in India had modernity and rationality as well as moral daring. The third phase marks the heyday of Indian languages and literature that pushed the language of our colonial masters clearly to the margins. The post-independence phase i.e. the fourth phase (1947-2004) is highly problematic despite the fact that English has become a part of Indian life and its importance is increasing day by day. The new trends are constantly increasing in the country. This is resulting in the slowing down of the progress and growth of Indian languages. Having become a medium of instruction, English has replaced all the Indian languages at school as well as at the university level. Media also has got affected by it.
English Is fashion in India
Even in the present scenario, the people who can’t read or speak English, feel guilty and conscious. Institutes that teach English are becoming popular day by day. The role model of today’s youth is a smartly dressed
English-speaking individual. With spoken English, English writing is also increasing day by day. Research work as well as studies are attracted by English rather than any other language. Also English is giving better
employment chances. English has become a matter of prestige and power nowadays.