Marxist Feminism: Analyzing the Intersection of Gender and Class

Marxist feminism is a unique and thought-provoking philosophical variant of feminism that melds the tenets of Marxism with feminist principles. It delves into the complex ways in which women are exploited within the framework of capitalism and the ownership of private property. Here, we will explore the fundamental concepts of Marxist feminism, its theoretical background in Marxism, and its intersectionality with other feminist theories. We will also discuss the various approaches taken by Marxist feminists to address the challenges faced by women in a capitalist society.

Theoretical Background in Marxism

At the core of Marxist feminism believed that women’s liberation is intrinsically tied to the dismantling of capitalist systems. This perspective draws upon the foundational ideas of Marxism, which emphasize the role of class struggle and the evolution of societal structures. Friedrich Engels, in his seminal work “The Origin of the Family, Private Property, and the State,” traced the historical development of the family structure and its relation to the evolution of oppressive societal structures.

Engels argued that, in early human societies, women held a higher social status, and labor was shared more equitably. However, the advent of private property, particularly agriculture, shifted the dynamics. Men began to accumulate wealth and desired to pass it on to their progeny. This led to the establishment of monogamous marriage and the subjugation of women, marking the birth of class oppression.

Gender oppression, as viewed by Marxist feminists, is perpetuated through institutionalized inequality, where men are privileged over women. This oppressive structure marginalizes working-class women, perpetuating their exploitation.

Productive, Unproductive, and Reproductive Labor

Marxist feminists further categorize labor into productive and unproductive categories. Productive labor generates surplus value, such as the production of goods. In contrast, unproductive labor, which includes domestic chores and caregiving, does not create surplus value and is often overlooked within capitalism.

Authors like Margaret Benston and Peggy Morton in the 1970s highlighted the significance of distinguishing between productive and unproductive labor. They argued for recognizing domestic work as productive labor and advocated for state-paid wages for homemakers. In a capitalist society, maintaining a family is essential but is not accorded the same value as marketable products. Marxist feminists insist that the family should be perceived as a productive entity rather than just a site for consumption.

Wages for Housework

One of the prominent initiatives within Marxist feminism was the International Wages for Housework Campaign, founded in Italy in 1972. This movement aimed to bring domestic work into the waged capitalist economy. Advocates, including Selma James and Mariarosa Dalla Costa, argued that women’s oppression stemmed from their confinement to the private sphere. They believed that recognizing and valuing women’s domestic labor in the public sphere would lead to improved conditions for women.

Domestic Slavery

Angela Davis, a prominent Marxist feminist, introduced the concept of “domestic slavery.” She emphasized how housework perpetuates the gendered division of labor within capitalism. Davis argued that the socialization of housework maintains structural inequalities, reinforcing women’s subjugation. To address this, she proposed the socialization of housework and the end of the profit motive’s dominance over the economy.

Responsibility of Reproductive Labor

Some Marxist feminists, like Heidi Hartmann and Silvia Federici, have shifted their focus to address the challenges faced by women who are now engaged in both productive and reproductive labor. They argue that women’s liberation necessitates freedom from the burden of unwaged labor, calling for measures such as closing the wage gap and implementing workplace childcare programs.

Affective and Emotional Labor

Recent discussions within Marxist feminism have expanded to encompass affective and emotional labor, acknowledging the blurred boundaries between personal and economic life. Scholars like Michael Hardt, Antonio Negri, and Arlie Russell Hochschild have explored how these forms of labor shape social life and contribute to the growth of capital.

Equal Pay for Equal Labor

British feminist sociologist Veronica Beechey challenged the notion that women should be seen as an unrecognized “reserve arm of labor.” She argued for understanding women’s participation in the labor force and the importance of addressing gender-based wage disparities.

Intersectionality and Marxist Feminism

With the emergence of intersectionality as a widely accepted feminist theory, Marxist feminists have critiqued its reliance on bourgeois identity politics. While intersectionality explores how different aspects of identity intersect and contribute to systemic oppression, Marxist feminists emphasize the importance of addressing women’s oppression as a class issue.

Accomplishments and Activism

Marxist feminists have played a significant role in advocating for social change by placing women’s oppression and liberation at the forefront of the political agenda. They challenge capitalism in ways that stimulate important discourse and shed light on the status of women.

Notable Marxist Feminists

Throughout history, several remarkable individuals have contributed to the development of Marxist feminism, including Angela Davis, Silvia Federici, Clara Zetkin, and Alexandra Kollontai, among others. These figures have left an indelible mark on the feminist movement, both nationally and internationally.


Marxist feminism offers a unique perspective on the intersection of gender and class within capitalist societies. By examining the exploitation of women through the lens of Marxism, Marxist feminists have contributed valuable insights to feminist discourse. Their analyses of productive and unproductive labor, the recognition of domestic work, and the call for equal pay for equal labor have all enriched the feminist movement. Marxist feminism continues to evolve, adapting to contemporary challenges and pushing for a more equitable society where the emancipation of women is a central goal.