BA English 1st Semester Previous year Questions Core 1 VBU University.

BA English 1st Semester Core 1 question paper of 2022. These questions are very important for all universities because the questions are based on the CBSE syllabus. If you are from BBMKU or VBU or any other university, these questions are very important for the final examination.

Choose the Correct Answers 1 X 16

1- The comedy of Manners was presented in:

a. 14th Century
b. 15th Century
c. 16th Century ✔
d. 17th Century

2- Which poet is known as the poet of odes?

a. Keats ✔
b. Shelley
c. Wordsworth
d. Tennyson

3- Who is the greatest master in Blank Verse?

a. Marlowe ✔
b. Eliot
c. Browning
d. Sheridan

4- Which poetic form became very popular in the 18th century?

a. Heroic couplet ✔
b. Lyric
c. Ode
d. Sonnet

5- Which century is famous for the composition of Ballads?

a. 19th Century ✔
b. 20th Century
c. 14th Century
d. 15th Century

6- Who is known as the best lyrical poet in English Poetry?

a. Shelley
b. T. S. Eliot
c. Arnold
d. Wordsworth ✔

7- Farce is an exaggerated form of ______.

a. Tragedy
b. Wit
c. Satire
d. Comedy ✔

8- Who is known as the first English writer of the Picaresque novel?

a. Charles Dickens
b. Hardy
c. Thomas Nashe ✔
d. Fielding

9- Who is called the greatest master of the regional novel?

a. Hardy ✔
b. Dickens
c. Middleton
d. Jane Austin

10- The Gothic novel is also known as the novel of ___________.

a. Terror ✔
b. Love
c. Adventure
d. Science

11- Who is known as the greatest novelist of Psychological novels?

a. Forster
b. Woolf ✔
c. Dickens
d. Richardson

12- Which is the first tragedy in English literature?

a. Hamlet
b. All For Love
c. Gorboduc ✔
d. King Lear

13- Who is the greatest master of problem play?

a. Shakespeare ✔
b. Ben Jonson
c. Congereve
d. Galsworthy

14- Which is the First English comedy in literature?

a. Gorboduc
b. All For Love
c. Ralph Roister Doister ✔
d. None of them

15- ‘Simple, erect, severe, austere, sublime.’ is an example of ________.

a. Elision
b. Synecdoche ✔
c. Euphony
d. Climax

16- ‘So innocent arch, so cunningly simple.’ is an example of _________.

a. Epigram
b. Antithesis
c. Oxymoron ✔
d. Hyperbole

Answer all the questions: 8 X 3

1- Distinguish between Alliteration and Assonance with the help of examples.
Ans: click here to see the answer


Show a difference between Simile and Metaphor with the help of examples.
Ans: click here to see the answer

2- Define Miracle play and Morality play giving suitable examples.
Ans: A Miracle play and a Morality play are two distinct types of medieval theatrical genres. Here are their definitions along with suitable examples:

Miracle play:

A Miracle play is a type of medieval drama that depicts religious stories, particularly those centered around miracles and the lives of saints. These plays were performed during religious festivals and often involved elements of spectacle, music, and dance. Miracle plays aimed to educate and entertain audiences through dramatizations of biblical events or the lives of saints.

Miracle plays originated in the Middle Ages and were performed primarily in churches or public squares. They often included biblical narratives and stories of saints, focusing on miraculous events. These plays were performed in the vernacular language to make them accessible to a wider audience. Miracle plays were intended to inspire devotion, reinforce religious beliefs, and celebrate the power of divine intervention.

Example: “The Second Shepherd’s Play” “The Second Shepherd’s Play” is a famous Miracle play from the Wakefield Cycle, a collection of English mystery plays. It recounts the biblical story of the Nativity and incorporates comedic elements, focusing on the experiences of a group of shepherds who encounter an angel and witness the birth of Jesus.

Morality play:

A Morality play is a genre of medieval drama that presents moral lessons and allegorical representations of human virtues and vices. These plays typically feature characters who personify abstract qualities such as Everyman (representing all of humanity) and various moral attributes like Good Deeds, Knowledge, and Death. Morality plays aimed to teach moral values and the consequences of choices.

Morality plays were popular during the late medieval and early Renaissance periods. They were allegorical dramas that depicted the struggle between good and evil and focused on the moral choices made by human characters. These plays often featured personified virtues and vices, angels and devils, and the journey of a central character who represents humanity as a whole.

Example: “The Castle of Perseverance” “The Castle of Perseverance” is an influential Morality play from the 15th century. It follows the life of a character named Mankind, who is tempted by various vices throughout his life. The play presents moral lessons and explores the concepts of temptation, redemption, and the importance of leading a virtuous life.

Both Miracle plays and Morality plays served important cultural and religious functions in medieval society. They provided a form of entertainment, education, and moral guidance, often bringing biblical stories and moral teachings to life through vivid and engaging performances.


Write a short note on comedy of Humours.
Ans: The comedy of humours is a type of comedic drama that was popular during the Elizabethan and Jacobean eras in England, particularly in the early 17th century. It was a distinctive form of comedy that focused on the concept of “humours” or bodily fluids, which were believed to influence a person’s temperament and behavior according to the ancient medical theory of Galen.

In the comedy of humours, characters were typically exaggerated and represented different humours such as melancholy, sanguine, choleric, and phlegmatic. Each character embodied one dominant humour, leading to comedic situations arising from their peculiarities, conflicts, and interactions.

The purpose of comedy of humours was to satirize and expose the follies and excesses of different personality types. These plays often depicted characters who were driven by their dominant humour to extremes, resulting in absurd and comical behavior. The humor derived from the clash of these exaggerated personalities and the humorous consequences that ensued.

One of the prominent playwrights associated with the comedy of humours is Ben Jonson. His plays, such as “Every Man in His Humour” and “Volpone,” exemplify this genre. Jonson’s characters were carefully crafted to represent specific humours, and the comedic situations arose from their exaggerated traits and the clashes between them.

The comedy of humours was a departure from the earlier comedic tradition of farce and slapstick. It focused on social satire and character development, often presenting a moral lesson or critique of societal norms. By highlighting the absurdities and flaws of human nature through the lens of the humours, these plays entertained audiences while offering a reflection on human behavior and society.

Although the comedy of humours was popular during its time, it gradually fell out of favor in the later 17th century as comedic tastes shifted. However, its influence can still be seen in later comedy traditions, as it laid the groundwork for character-based humor and the exploration of human psychology in comedic storytelling.

few examples of plays from the comedy of humours:

  1. “Every Man in His Humour” by Ben Jonson: Written in 1598, this play is one of the most famous examples of the comedy of humours. It revolves around the interactions and misadventures of various characters, each representing a different humour. The plot follows the attempts of young gentlemen to pursue their desires while dealing with the eccentricities of those around them.
  2. “Volpone” by Ben Jonson: Published in 1606, “Volpone” is a satirical comedy that centers around the greedy Volpone and his cunning schemes to accumulate wealth. The play features a range of characters driven by their dominant humours, such as the sanguine Mosca and the choleric Corvino. The comedic tension arises from their exaggerated personalities and the humorous consequences of their actions.
  3. “The Alchemist” by Ben Jonson: Written in 1610, “The Alchemist” is another notable comedy of humours by Ben Jonson. The play revolves around a trio of swindlers who exploit the credulity and desires of various characters, each representing a different humour. Through witty dialogue and comical situations, the play satirizes human greed, gullibility, and the pursuit of wealth.
  4. “The Goblins” by Sir John Suckling: “The Goblins” is a lesser-known comedy of humours written by Sir John Suckling in the early 17th century. The play follows the adventures of a group of goblins who embody different humours, interacting with human characters and causing comedic chaos. It showcases the clash of personalities and the absurdity of human desires and aspirations.

These plays exemplify the comedy of humours by utilizing exaggerated characters, comedic situations, and satire to explore human behavior, societal norms, and the follies of different temperaments.

3- Explain Epistolary Novel giving examples.
Ans: An epistolary novel is a form of literature that tells a story through a series of letters, diary entries, or other forms of written correspondence. In this narrative style, the events of the story are conveyed through the letters exchanged between characters or the personal writings of a single character. Epistolary novels offer a unique perspective into the characters’ thoughts, emotions, and interactions, providing an intimate and often authentic portrayal of their experiences.

Here are a few examples of notable epistolary novels:

  1. “Frankenstein” by Mary Shelley: While primarily known as a Gothic novel, “Frankenstein” also incorporates elements of the epistolary form. The novel begins with a series of letters from Robert Walton to his sister, detailing his encounters and conversations with Victor Frankenstein. The letters frame the story and provide a narrative structure as the tale unfolds through Walton’s correspondence and Victor’s own written account.
  2. “Dracula” by Bram Stoker: “Dracula” is a classic horror novel that utilizes a combination of diary entries, letters, and newspaper articles to tell its chilling tale. The novel is presented as a collection of writings from multiple characters, including Jonathan Harker’s diary entries, Mina Murray’s letters, and various journal excerpts. This epistolary format helps build suspense and allows readers to experience the story from different perspectives.
  3. “84, Charing Cross Road” by Helene Hanff: This non-fiction work is a charming example of an epistolary novel. It is based on the true correspondence between American writer Helene Hanff and a London bookseller named Frank Doel. The book consists of the letters exchanged between Hanff and Doel over a twenty-year period, showcasing their evolving friendship and shared love for literature.
  4. “The Color Purple” by Alice Walker: “The Color Purple” is an acclaimed novel that explores the lives of African-American women in the early 20th century. It is presented in the form of letters written by the main character, Celie, to God and later to her sister Nettie. Through Celie’s heartfelt letters, the novel addresses themes of abuse, resilience, and empowerment.

Epistolary novels offer a distinctive narrative style that allows readers to delve into the characters’ inner thoughts and emotions while unfolding the story through their personal correspondence. This form of storytelling adds intimacy, authenticity, and a sense of immediacy to the narrative, making epistolary novels a compelling and engaging reading experience.


What is ‘short-story’? What are its main elements?
Ans: click here to see the answer

Answer all the questions 15 X 2

1- Explain Elegy.
ans: click here to see the answer


Define Drama. Discuss its main elements.
Ans: click here to see the answer


Discuss the importance of Plot in fiction.
Ans: click here to see the answer

2- Define poetry? Discuss the type of poetry.
Ans: click here to see the answer


Discuss the importance of Stage for Drama.
Ans: click here to see the answer


Define fiction. Discuss its main elements.
Ans: click here to see the answer

Scan the Given lines: 10 X 1

'Let not ambition mock their useful toil,
Their homely joys, and destiny obscure;
Nor Grandeur hear with a disdainful smile
The short and simple annals of the poor.'